Oxford Hogwarts: Activities for Gryffindors

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Oxford for Gryffindors: The Best Five Things To Do

Oxford Hogwarts: Activities for Gryffindors

Amidst the storied streets of Oxford, Gryffindors find themselves surrounded by adventure and bravery at every turn. From scaling ancient towers to embarking on daring quests, the city offers a myriad of exhilarating experiences sure to ignite the courage and valor of Gryffindor House. Join us as we embark on five thrilling activities that will inspire the heroic hearts of Gryffindors and leave them craving even more adrenaline-fueled escapades.

#1: Climb the Tower at University Church of St. Mary the Virgin

Gryffindors, known for their bravery and daring, would enjoy climbing the tower at the University Church of St. Mary the Virgin. They can conquer the spiral staircase and enjoy panoramic views of Oxford from the top.

For Gryffindors, whose hearts beat with courage and daring, the prospect of climbing the tower at the University Church of St. Mary the Virgin offers an exhilarating challenge that calls to their adventurous spirit. As they stand at the foot of the towering structure, Gryffindors feel a surge of excitement coursing through their veins—a hunger to conquer the spiral staircase and ascend to the dizzying heights above, where panoramic views of Oxford await.

With each step they take, Gryffindors feel the thrill of anticipation building within them, their determination and bravery propelling them ever upwards as they navigate the winding staircase that spirals its way to the top of the tower. With each turn of the stairwell, they push themselves to the limit, their hearts racing with the exhilaration of the climb and the promise of adventure that lies ahead.

As they emerge onto the open-air platform at the summit of the tower, Gryffindors are greeted with breathtaking views of Oxford spread out before them—a patchwork of ancient spires, lush greenery, and winding waterways that stretch as far as the eye can see. With the wind in their hair and the sun on their faces, they feel a sense of freedom and exhilaration wash over them, knowing that they have conquered the heights and claimed their rightful place among the bold and brave.

But it is not only the stunning vistas that captivate Gryffindors—it is the sense of accomplishment and triumph that comes from conquering their fears and pushing themselves to new heights. With each passing moment, they savor the feeling of victory that comes from standing tall atop the tower, knowing that they have overcome adversity and embraced the challenge with courage and determination.

> Learn more about the University Church and how to visit

University Church of St Mary the Virgin
University Church of St Mary the Virgin.

#2: Go Punting on the River Thames

Gryffindors, who enjoy adventure and excitement, might enjoy going punting on the River Thames. They can navigate the narrow waterways and test their punting skills while enjoying the scenic views of Oxford’s historic buildings.

For Gryffindors, whose spirits are infused with a thirst for adventure and excitement, punting on the River Thames offers an exhilarating escapade that perfectly aligns with their courageous nature. As they embark on their punting expedition, Gryffindors feel a surge of anticipation coursing through their veins—a yearning to navigate the narrow waterways and test their punting skills against the currents of the river while reveling in the scenic beauty of Oxford’s historic skyline.

With each push of the pole, Gryffindors feel the thrill of adventure coursing through their veins, their hearts pounding with excitement as they propel the punt forward and chart a course through the tranquil waters of the Thames. With every stroke, they embrace the challenge of mastering this ancient form of navigation, their determination and bravery propelling them ever onward as they weave their way through the labyrinth of waterways that crisscross the city.

As they glide past Oxford’s iconic landmarks and historic buildings, Gryffindors feel a sense of exhilaration wash over them, knowing that they are experiencing the city from a unique and privileged vantage point. With the wind in their hair and the sun on their faces, they drink in the sights and sounds of their surroundings, their spirits soaring as they immerse themselves in the beauty and grandeur of Oxford’s storied past.

But it is not only the scenic views that captivate Gryffindors—it is the thrill of the adventure itself, the sense of freedom and liberation that comes from charting their own course and embracing the unknown. With each bend in the river, they eagerly anticipate what lies around the next corner, their hearts filled with excitement and wonder as they embrace the challenges and surprises that await them on their journey.

> Learn more about the punting in Oxford

Punting on the Cherwell River
Punting on the Cherwell River is a perfect summer activity and must-do for Oxford visitors and residents alike.

#3: Visit Oxford's Covered Market

Gryffindors, who appreciate tradition and heritage, would enjoy exploring Oxford’s Covered Market. They can browse the stalls selling local produce, artisanal goods, and traditional crafts while soaking up the bustling atmosphere.

For Gryffindors, whose appreciation for tradition and heritage is as steadfast as their courage and bravery, a visit to Oxford’s Covered Market is a cherished opportunity to immerse themselves in the rich tapestry of the city’s history and culture. As they step into the bustling market square, Gryffindors feel a sense of reverence wash over them—a deep respect for the time-honored traditions and craftsmanship that have been passed down through generations.

With each stall they visit, Gryffindors marvel at the array of goods on display, from locally sourced produce and artisanal delicacies to handcrafted goods and traditional crafts. They run their fingers over the intricate patterns of woven textiles, inhale the heady aroma of freshly baked bread, and admire the skillful craftsmanship of handmade pottery and jewelry, their hearts swelling with admiration for the artisans who have poured their passion and creativity into each and every creation.

As they meander through the maze of stalls, Gryffindors soak up the vibrant atmosphere of the market, their senses alive with the sights, sounds, and smells of this bustling hub of activity. They listen to the melodic calls of vendors hawking their wares, watch as shoppers haggle over prices, and soak up the lively energy that permeates the air, their spirits lifted by the camaraderie and community that thrives within these historic walls.

But it is not only the hustle and bustle of the market that captivates Gryffindors—it is the sense of connection to the past and the rich heritage that permeates every corner of this storied marketplace. With each step they take, they feel a profound sense of reverence for the generations of merchants and artisans who have called this place home, their spirits buoyed by the knowledge that they are walking in the footsteps of those who came before them.

> Learn more about the Covered Market and how to visit

Oxford's Covered Market
Oxford's Covered Market.

#4: Take a Ghost Tour

Gryffindors, who have a sense of adventure and love a good thrill, might enjoy taking a ghost tour of Oxford. They can explore the city’s haunted history and hear spooky tales of ghosts and legends that haunt its ancient streets.


> Learn more about the XXX and how to visit

Oxford Ghost Stories and Supernatural Tales
Oxford has plenty of ghost stories and supernatural tales.

#5: Attend a Sporting Event

Gryffindors, who excel at sports and enjoy competition, could attend a sporting event in Oxford. They can cheer on their favorite teams and athletes while enjoying the excitement of live sports.

For Gryffindors, whose hearts beat with a sense of adventure and a thirst for excitement, embarking on a ghost tour of Oxford promises an exhilarating journey into the unknown—a chance to delve into the city’s haunted history and uncover the mysteries that lurk in its shadowy corners. As they gather with fellow thrill-seekers under the cloak of darkness, Gryffindors feel a sense of anticipation building within them—a hunger for adventure and a thirst for the unknown that propels them forward into the night.

Led by a knowledgeable guide steeped in the lore and legends of Oxford, Gryffindors set out to explore the city’s ancient streets and historic landmarks, their senses attuned to every creak and groan of the old buildings that line their path. With each step they take, they feel the weight of history pressing down upon them, as they walk in the footsteps of the countless souls who have come before them, their spirits lingering in the shadows of the past.

As they listen to the guide’s spine-tingling tales of ghostly apparitions and restless spirits, Gryffindors feel a sense of excitement coursing through their veins, their hearts racing with the thrill of the unknown. They lean in closer, their breath catching in their throats, as they hear stories of tragic love affairs, unsolved mysteries, and spectral encounters that haunt the city’s ancient streets.

But it is not only the ghostly tales that captivate Gryffindors—it is the sense of camaraderie and solidarity that comes from facing their fears together with their fellow adventurers. As they huddle together in the darkness, their laughter mingling with nervous anticipation, Gryffindors draw strength from each other, their courage bolstered by the knowledge that they are not alone in their quest to uncover the truth that lies hidden in the shadows.

> Learn more about Oxford’s ghost stories

Visiting Oxford in the Autumn / Fall - Image courtesy of Tejvan Pettinger.
Visiting Oxford in the Autumn / Fall. University regattas and sports. Image courtesy of Tejvan Pettinger.

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Are you looking for a more organised way to enjoy Oxford (and London) through some magic lenses? Here’s a small collection of tours and experiences that transport you to the spellbinding realms of wizardry and wonder. Immerse yourself in the magic that inspired J.K. Rowling’s iconic series as you explore the captivating landscapes of Oxford and London, where the wizarding world comes to life:

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More Oxford for Hogwarts Houses

 Depending on your Hogwarts house, there are plenty of activities to suit your unique interests and traits. Gryffindors can embark on thrilling adventures like climbing the tower at the University Church of St. Mary the Virgin or taking a ghost tour of Oxford’s haunted history. Ravenclaws can indulge their love of learning by exploring the Bodleian Library or attending a lecture at the University of Oxford. Hufflepuffs can enjoy nature and community by strolling through the University of Oxford Botanic Garden or volunteering at a local charity. And Slytherins can exercise their ambition and cunning by visiting Oxford Castle and Prison or attending a networking event in the city.

No matter your house, there’s something magical waiting for you in Oxford! Use the images below to learn more.

Explore literature landmarks and filming locations in Oxford and its surrounding areas. Harry Potter, Tolkien, Lewis, Carrol, and many more. Browse All >

Our collection of articles with ideas for things to do and see, the history of this incredible city, the University, its museums, literature and movie inspirations, filming locations, and much more.